The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70481   Message #1204459
Posted By: pdq
10-Jun-04 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sudan
Subject: RE: BS: Sudan
...Carol C... thanks for the link to the American Indian's problems. Interesting reading even if a bit tangential to the Sudan situation. I own 80 acres in Navajo County (Arizona) and try to pay some attention to activities there.

Here is a quote from the site you provided:

"The U'wa's opposition to the oil project is so strong that they have vowed to commit mass suicide if Occidental Petroleum drills for oil on their land.
We will in no way sell our Mother Earth, to do so would be to give up our heritage."

Interesting that Al Gore has millions invested in Occidental Petrolium.

Also recall Teapot Dome? That was the scandal concerning the Naval Strategic Oil Reserve in Elk Hills, Calif. It is commonly sited as the reason why President Harding is descredited. Well guess who helped to arrange the sale of Elk Hill to the Occidental Petroleum Company while he was vice president? Yes. Al Gore.

What a country!