The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70467   Message #1204469
Posted By: Chief Chaos
10-Jun-04 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: So carry on then with the abuse....
Subject: RE: BS: So carry on then with the abuse....
Isn't it strange that those who would align themselves against the biological darwinism because they don't hold with the evolution theory so eagerly espouse the economic and social darwinism?

The soldiers/sailors/airmen/marines and coasties of the US Military are not "taught to hate" by the military. They don't need to be. Watching someone who is your friend and confidant, was there at your bachelor party and held you up steady for your wedding as your best man, helped you care for your sick child, or did a number of other things to earn the status of "brother" or "sister" without actually being blood related, get his or her head or other bodily part mutilated by someone that you are supposedly there to liberate is probably enough to do that. And yes, some of our eager young military personnel actually believe in the mission. It's not their fault. We were all once that young and naive. Don't try to deny it.

And by the way, although the above mentioned servicemen might only have Uncle Sam to correct them for their wrong doing, it's not going to be cushy if they do get punished. Leavenworth is a hard time facility and most often the military justice system does not take into consideration why you did things. They only have to prove that you did them. And even when they haven't, like OJ Simpson, the charges hover over their heads for the rest of their (short most likely) career. And until trial you are mostly held guilty until proven innocent. I've personally known a few who were punished prior to trial and then had the charges rigged so that they couldn't defend themselves.

None of this in any way excuses the abuse/torture that occurred.

The fact is that when we play world policemen half the folks tell us we're wrong while the other half say "we need you in (insert country here)." Catch 22.