The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70467   Message #1204484
Posted By: GUEST,Larry k
10-Jun-04 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: So carry on then with the abuse....
Subject: RE: BS: So carry on then with the abuse....
To answer a question a while back- "What part of the constitution don't you understand?".   I don't understand the part which applies to non USA citizens.    I know that most of you would prefer to treat Al Queda the same way we treat Martha Stewart- with designer burkas and Calvin Kline robes.

Last night on O'relly he asked a hypothetical question which his liberal guest could not (or would not) answer.   If you were told an Al Queda operative under arrest had information on a nuclear bomb attack on a US city, would you use agressive methods of interrogation.   The guest would only comment that it was an unrealistic scenario.   

So lets go the real life story that happended a few months ago. A black sergeant put a gun to the head of a prisoner and told the prisoner he would shoot him if he didn't talk.   (is that torture?) The prisoner confessed to an ambush and as a result, several american lives were saved.   Was the Sargeant a hero or a villian?    Most of your say villian.    80% of the american public say hero.   He was brought up the US millitary for dismissal, but because of public pressure, the case was dismissed.

Lastly- to answer a point also made much earlier.   Someone said that not every country is evil and makes military advances on other countries.    That is true- I have never heard of Bora Bora attacking anyone- but I could be wrong.   On the other hand, there is only one country that protects the rest of the world when evil leaders attack other countes.