The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14186   Message #120466
Posted By: katlaughing
04-Oct-99 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: Rick's Radio show Kaput (for now)
Subject: RE: Rick's Radio show Kaput (for now)
Mike, thanks for posting those links. Reminds me of the usual and highhanded antics of commercial radio broadcasting corps; they decide on a programming change or new ownership and one day you go to work and no longer have a job. We've survived a few of those as have friends, but many have not.

Not something one would expect to see in public broadcasting, but if the trend here in Wyoming is any indication, I am not surprised. I quit sending a monthly donation three years ago when their programming went to sh*t!

Whether you live in Toronto or not, Mudcatters, I urge you to visit the links Mike posted and register you support for the programmers like Rick. Without the freedom of speech,etc. that public radio should offer, they're just another number on the commerical dial.
