The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70356   Message #1205045
Posted By: The Shambles
11-Jun-04 - 08:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: BS / Non-BS Suggestion
Subject: RE: BS: BS / Non-BS Suggestion
What are you on about, Robin? Are you being persecuted? Edited? Censored? Imposed upon? If you are suggesting that something untoward is happening to your posts, something sinister and sneaky, perhaps you could be more specific. Innuendo is all well and good, but not very constructive.

[Oh good, another witch standing up and volunteering to be burned as a dissenting voice to the good old double standard.]

Innuendo would appear to be OK, if it is being used by some to question a poster who may hold and express a different view. And to suggest that this poster may have some unspecified ulterior motive, or to question many other aspects of their personality. There does not appear to be a need for this form of innuendo to be very constructive. Some of our volunteers actully take pride in posts of this nature, as if this was required or expected of them.

Again there are many examples of the use this innuendo, that are tolerated if not even not actively encouraged, if you really wish to see them.

However and despite the reality of all this unhelpful nonsense, there is no conspiracy or real persecution, just a little skewed thinking. All done in the noble and laudable aim of protecting something that is percieved (with a lot of collective paranoia, if little firm evidence) to be under organised attack. This skewed thinking has resulted in a double standard that is blindingly obvious, it seems, to all but those who would indulge in it or support this double standard.

But it is this skewed thinking, the use, support and justification of double standards, uneeded judgements, secrecy, inconsistency and focus on maintaining order at all costs, that really presents the main threat to our forum, by our volunteers.

The srange thing is that all this is undertaken because of a fear, often expressed, that the forum will be TAKEN OVER. So anyone who may not accept that all these measures and the division created by it, are required, are perceived as wishing to TAKE OVER, or of playing a part in this TAKE OVER.

I suggest that all this demonstrates that our forum has already been TAKEN OVER by a minority and that it is now time for it to go back to ALL of its contributors and to the tolerent spirit in which its creator and site owner originally intended.

Other wise the very small band of those who really would like to see Max fail, (for reasons known only to them) would have suceeded.