The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70564   Message #1205365
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Jun-04 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Respite Tavern - Revisited
Subject: RE: BS: Respite Tavern - Revisited
The bartender slides Guest 03:52 PM a nice glass of hard cider, with a Mickey Finn, gratis. Guest, anxiously looking around at the unusual mix of people and the preponderance of doors, throws the drink back quickly, looks a little sheepish, lays his head on the bar, and starts to snore. A couple of the regulars gather him up and move him off of the bar. He'll sleep it off and wake up much mellower, and no one will vomit on him over in that corner where the tree usually stands. Just nudge the cat off of the window seat, someone, please, while we move this fellow over out of harms way. . .