The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70513   Message #1205409
Posted By: Amos
11-Jun-04 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Basic Causes of Western Stupidity
Subject: RE: BS: The Basic Causes of Western Stupidity
we are incapable of listening to the answers

The possibility really intrigues me that we become so habituated to the body that we mostly listen only to force-level, body-frequency solutions, like how to plough or plumb or bury or roof. Maybe the minute we look for social inventions and have to start using other frequencies -- the ones on which, say, justice, aesthetics, or virtue become perceivable -- the body kicks up such a fuss that we mostly fold and retreat back to hamburgerville.

Maybe that's why the Constitutional Convention was such a miracle -- a bunch of guys able and willing to focus on such an intricate web of decisions and dependencies and get it right!! As social engineering goes, that document is on a par with the Great Pyramids or the New York subway system.

Whatcha think?