The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70594   Message #1205464
Posted By: Blackcatter
11-Jun-04 - 06:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Well, looky here... (Iraqi WMDs)
Subject: RE: BS: Well, looky here...
It's an Internet only paper, supposedly located in Virginia.

Here's other "quality" writing form the paper:

On a visit to West Berlin in 1987, President Reagan issued his famous challenge; "Mr. Gorbachev Tear Down This Wall!" Reagan's proactive political policies set in motion the epic events of 1989 which sounded the Joshua Trumpet heralding the fall of the Berlin Wall. Amid the joyful celebrations and popping champagne corks celebrating the collapse of the Berlin Wall was really Ronald Reagan's "Oscar night."

Ronald Reagan posthumously received these Oscars in Heaven for his Presidency:

      Best Picture—The Reagan Presidency 1981-1988
      Best Performing Actor — Defeat of the Evil Empire,
      Best Script — Making America proud again,
      Best Foreign Film — Supporting Solidarity and freedom in Poland
      Best Supporting Actress — Margaret Thatcher
      Best Special effects — Collapse of the Berlin Wall
      Best Documentary — America's Economic Enterprise Revival
      Best Short Film — Grenada
      Best Score — Happy Days are Here Again

Gee - didn't I see that in the NY Times?