The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14187   Message #120586
Posted By: annamill
04-Oct-99 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: Help: Tendonitis
Subject: RE: Help: Tendonitis
I had a serious case of tendonitis in my elbow. It's sometimes called tennis elbow, but I don't play tennis. It was caused from lifting weights incorrectly. Now my doctor gave me a serious of exercises with 5 lb weights to cure the problem. It had to do with movement of my wrists while holding the weights. I increased the exercise myself when I found it was working and the tendonitis went away completely and is totally gone today. When you exercise you strengthen the area and the pain disappears. I strongly suggest going to a doctor for your problem. Resting the area will stop the pain for now, but it will reappear when you try to play again. The area, in this case the wrists, needs to be strengthened.

Love, annap