The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55013   Message #1206094
Posted By: belfast
13-Jun-04 - 06:03 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Raglan Road, is it 'pledge' or 'play' ?
Subject: RE: Raglan Road, is it 'pledge' or 'play' ?
The full stop or period after "tint" does indeed determine the meaning of the third verse but when you're singing the song it's impossible to include an indication of that punctuation without mangling the melody. What is sung is "And word and tint I did not stint", in other words "I did not stint word and tint". Does that mean anything?

I know that many people love this song dearly but when one looks at the final verse there is a possibility of dismissing it as misgynistic twaddle. "I am a poet,i.e. an angel. This woman was nothing but a piece of clay, i.e. dirt."

Is it any wonder that she walked away from him so hurriedly?