The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70513   Message #1206141
Posted By: freda underhill
13-Jun-04 - 08:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Basic Causes of Western Stupidity
Subject: RE: BS: The Basic Causes of Western Stupidity
One of the many ways that we are stupid .. is
On what basis do we make our assumptions? How do we acquire our knowledge? How do we test our theories? And how do we use our knowledge in society? We have a situation where the people who are running our countries are businessmen, and put business interests first. Shouldn't we have a blend of people, representing a range of needs, eg doctors, scientists, environmentalists, businessmen and MUSICIANs etc. Our politicians come from too narrow a field. No wonder the world's stuffed up.

And those in different fields don't listen to each other. Here's an article about the different views or historians and archaeologists, as they try and understand the history of Africa.