The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70594   Message #1206347
Posted By: Donuel
13-Jun-04 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Well, looky here... (Iraqi WMDs)
Subject: RE: BS: Well, looky here...
Failing to confirm Saddam's Program of WMD, he did at least have a weapons program, of which the US did not even secure the stockpiles of RPG's it did find after the invasion.

One thing is certain. He did have a weekly TV program in Iraq.

But it is all besides the point isn't it.

Perhaps Bush did repeat lies he was scripted to tell. Perhaps God did not tell him to invade Iraq. Perhaps the nuclear threat really came from Pakistan selling nukes to Iran and North Korea.

Iraq seemed like a big oil rich soft target after 20 years of war and 12 years of sanctions.

It seemed like we could invade with tax payer money, loot Husseins billions, siphon off some oil, hire international corporations with American CEO's to clean up the place and make a few more billions...Gosh the war supposed to pay for itself!

Or at least make those in Halliburton and the Carlye Group filthier rich.