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Thread #70594   Message #1206693
Posted By: GUEST
14-Jun-04 - 04:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Well, looky here... (Iraqi WMDs)
Subject: RE: BS: Well, looky here...
Bruce - the report you linked to is well known in Britain as "The Dodgy Dossier" and caused the Prime Minister severe embarassment when details of it came out. He tried to defend it, but ended up with egg on his face. Obviously you didn't follow the Hutton Inquiry into the Death of David Kelly - which while it limited its scope so that it didn't drw conclusions about the veracity of intelligence overall, plenty of evidence relating to this did come out at the enquiry.

Search the British press for terms like "Dodgy Dossier", "Hutton Report" and "45 minute claim" and you might find out a bit more about what you are talking about.