The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70609   Message #1206936
Posted By: Rapparee
14-Jun-04 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Does it make sense to you that . . . .
Subject: RE: BS: Does it make sense to you that . . . .
Oh, no! But here's an example of what I mean:

There have been two studies, done at considerable cost, on whether or not snowmobiles should be allowed in Yellowstone NP during the winter. Both of them, one done under Clinton and the other under Bush, concluded that snowmobiles should NOT be allowed into the park during the winter months. Now USD 10 million has been set aside for yet another study on the same topic.

I have no problem with talking about a problem or thoroughly studying it. But to conduct study after study gets you nowhere towards actually solving the thing. A time comes when you must act or slide into an abyss, and for too many problems the time is fast approaching when it will be too late to stop sliding.

CarolC, for years one of my biggest complaints has been that there is no true long-range planning done. Politicians plan from election to election and call it "long term." Business people might - might! - plan for five years out. I'm thinking in terms of fifty years...a hundred years. It can be done.