The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70609   Message #1207219
Posted By: Bill D
14-Jun-04 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does it make sense to you that . . . .
Subject: RE: BS: Does it make sense to you that . . . .
Carol C...seems we have had a misunderstanding

having had a house concert here last night, I had not kept up with this thread, nor had I composed a 'serious' comment on the issues. My comment was a frivolous takeoff on Amos' remark, and was NOT meant to "dismiss" anything. Nor was it cynical. There are lots of things to fret about these days-- more than any of us can deal with at any one time. I did put a ;>) at the bottom, but I didn't realize I needed a special disclaimer to make a weak joke.

I am concerned about war, stupid politicians, environmental disaster, social problems (including the status & rights of the Native Americans), overpopulation, the decline of educational standards, and 14 more national & international issues---and thats BEFORE I list my own personal concerns with Medicare, advancing age and the price of peanut butter!

I certainly agree that today's society has flaws that are scary and urgent, but I simply do not have the stamina and time for 24/7 righteous indignation about ALL of it! I have to make jokes on the side now & then...and if we had been in the same room and I had tossed off that remark, I doubt you would have taken it seriously....When typing in Mudcat, I try to be as close to what I really am, and more than most, I use visual aids to attempt to not be mis-understood.

You said back up there:^ "A more constructive use one's energies is to help people to understand what the problems are, and to help correct them"
.....yep, and always with the realization that not everyone, even those who share your basic outlook, will automatically see YOUR viewpoint or agree with YOUR interpretation or solution. (You wanna see some steam rise? See some of MY posts when folks claimed "there IS no 'overpopulation problem'")

I suppose you 'could' argue that one shouldn't post if one is not prepared to debate and defend and dig up evidence and follow up every remark.....but some days it just don't work out. I'll try to show proper deference to **important** issues, but guarantees? Nope....