There are many, many versions of "Foggy Foggy Dew." The Irish song, however is about the Easter Rising and completely unrelated.
I've never seen anything approaching a bawdy version. There are basically two types, Comic and Love (ie tender, especially MacColl).
Little has to be changed to go from the one to the other in the text - just a few words make a huge difference.
'Bugaboo' versions "explain" what's happening and are usually trick songs - he more clearly sets up the situation to trick her into bed, it's not just a chance opportunity. (If you come across an old 'bugaboo' version, please let me know. The suggestion is that this is the root song and explains what is going on but collected versions seem much later than 'foggy dew' versions and may only be after-the-fact explanations.)
There is also a more PC older version where they more share responsibility & pleasure.
No reason there couldn't be a bawdy version out there - but it would be rare.