The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14184   Message #120821
Posted By: campfire
04-Oct-99 - 11:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Halloween costume?
Subject: RE: Halloween costume?
I saw a woman at a costume party wearing (over regular clothes) a blanket with all kinds of odds and ends (old plates, baby clothes, used books...) fastened on it. She was a rummage sale.

A girl I went to school with filled a clear plastic bag (Very large) with multi-colored balloons, somehow got inside it and managed to keep it in some sort of shape, and was a bag of jellybeans.

Of course, in college my (then) boyfriend and I tried very hard to be a sperm (him) and an egg, but nobody who saw us working on the costumes could figure out what we were. So with the help of a lot of cardboard, he became a Trojan packet (most popular brand around our parts at the time - ask Art) and I went as a packet of BC pills.
