The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70692   Message #1208294
Posted By: dianavan
16-Jun-04 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush on Clinton: Huh?
Subject: RE: BS: Bush on Clinton: Huh?
I'm posting this as the English debate is on in the background (Canadian candidates) and I have to agree that they are just politicians. Not heroes, not demi-gods, not even very effective. Canadians don't really idolize their leaders. Seems most people just want a money manager, someone who can be friendly with the U.S. while maintaining our own identity, someone who will not get us into a war, someone who cares about the environment and someone who keeps govt. out of the bedroom. Pretty basic. Will we get it? Who knows.

Somehow (and I don't know why) there does not seem to be so much animosity among the electorate. If you vote for Martin or Harper, I won't hate you. If I choose to vote NDP or Green, it won't matter to you either. Nobody really cares. We vote but its all kinda half-hearted. Americans are scrappier. Canadians are debaters.

Do you see a big difference among the U.S. presidents? Not me. Do you see a big difference in the candidates? Not me. They are really all the same and are manipulated by the Lobbyists and those who pay for their campaign. Same thing goes in Canada. Thats why Martin will probably win, no matter what the people want.