The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70710   Message #1209185
Posted By: breezy
17-Jun-04 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: Ben Campbell in St Albans friday
Subject: RE: Ben Campbell in St Albans friday
Ben will be at the Herga on Monday

He has some cracking new songs as well as the ones that have made him a household name and a regular festival guest

Graham Searle has writes the words and Ben has set them to original melodies than are most tuneful.

It'll be a treat to hear some fresh songs from the west country's leading singer-songwriter and he plays neat guitar too.

at the Duke of Marlborough, Holywell Hill, St Albans.

doors open 7.30

plus Chris Flegg, George Papavgeris, and

Nick Burdett and the boys from Leicester!!