The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70562   Message #1209371
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Jun-04 - 03:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Legalize Pot?
Subject: RE: BS: Legalize Pot?
The really scary thing about mangos is that they taste SO good. It's downright sinful. For this reason, I think that it was the mango which Eve offered to Adam, not the apple. He ate it. The Angel then appeared with the flaming sword, said "Man Go!" and drove them out of Eden. A nasty tale.

If the Republican Party (or Martin Gibson) ever become fully aware of the threat that ripe mangos pose to society I'm sure they will be made totally illegal without delay...and I will then technically be a "criminal" on my way to perdition! Or I'll just move to Trinidad or Cuba.
