The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70594   Message #1210161
Posted By: TIA
18-Jun-04 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Well, looky here... (Iraqi WMDs)
Subject: RE: BS: Well, looky here... (Iraqi WMDs)
CO's post read:

"No one died when Clinton lied... except for his career...

Didn't that pesky Somalia thing happen on his watch? "

Although CO has clarified, and said that there was no intended implication in this post that Clinton did lie, the linking of these two comments carried (for me, and I'm truly sorry if I misinterpreted) an attempt to equate Bush lying us into Iraq with Clinton's handling of Somalia. My goal has been to determine whether there is any comparison at any level. Don Firth's historical context helped to answer, and the last issue for me was whether there was any record or even accusation of a lie by Clinton. I knew/know of none.

Now to beardedbruce's question: "...what evidence would be acceptable...?" We were told repeartedly that if we did not invade Iraq, there would be a mushroom cloud over our heads, or unmanned drones would deliver chemical or biological weapons to our shores, or at least our allies, or Saddam would build and give nukes to Bin Laden. I would accept as evidence of a truly imminent danger from Iraqi W's of MD the discovery of facilities to make nasty stuff and/or relatively recent (not 10 or 20 year old) nasty stuff, and the vehicles to deliver it nearby and in working order. We were not told before the invasion that it was necessary because there were a few old Iran-Iraq war era chemical mortar rounds, and decrepit rocket parts, and trucks that might be used to incubate nasty microbes -- or possibly to make weather balloon gas. In short I want to see what we were told we would see, and in the quantities and readiness that we were told they would be before I say "yeah, looky here, you were right."