I think I have a problem. Every time I've visited the Chat Room, I get the words Chat Room and an empty screen. The mouse won't 'click' anywhere. I've checked in my preferences section and I have two choices - Enable Java and Enable JavaScript. The only one that works is JavaScript. Does this mean I can't have some craic with youse all in real time?It's 5 o'clock now over here in Belfast and I have to head home and get my head showered. In a couple of weeks time I'll be starting my PhD at Queen's and with a bit of luck I should be getting a decent computer - you know with Windows 97 an all, a soundcard and all the bits. Hopefully then I can enjoy some deep and meaningful discussions with you all on the meaning of life, folk and why one sock always dissapears in some dark crevice of your washing machine.
L'chaim, A la Sante, Slainte, And may your God go with you.
Over and out