The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2780   Message #12105
Posted By: Bill D
10-Sep-97 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: Getting a group in the chat room
Subject: RE: Getting a group in the chat room & ever more complex machines/browsers is what it takes...I have only had a java-capable browser for 3 weeks, and I really love it! Netscape 4.0..(if you get just the 'browser' part, it is free to individuals...and I use other mail programs anyway)

Oh...being a registered, card-carrying member of a philosophical reserve unit (got the degree, but never went on to the career), I have MUCH to say about the meaning of life). And what MY washing machine does is save a sock or two out of each load, and add it to the next persons load, so you really need to be aware of who else uses the machine and meet occasionally for tea and laundry wishes on your PHD program...see you later...