The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2765   Message #12109
Posted By: Speed-1
10-Sep-97 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Candle in the Wind (Elton John)
Subject: RE: Goodbye, England's Rose
As a close personal friend of Shula's I can attest to her caffeine-driven excesses, but must tell all her mates that Pepsi is her drug of choice. As a newcomer to the discussion I have a few thoughts:

Reworked lyrics - the parallels between the lives of Marilyn Monroe and Diana are too erie, but the lyrics and the song were good for their use in the funeral. But should it or will it be the finest musical offering to the live and death of Diana? I hope not.

Did anyone read Liz Smith's column which appeared on 09-09-97? She wrote of the hounding of Greta Garbo which occured back in the 30's. Sounded like Jackie in the 60's, Diana in the 90's, etc. Public figures should be able to have some level of privacy. Diana gave many, many photo ops. But there is always one more photographer wanting one more picture.

Has anyone noticed that the tabloid TV people (and I'm including Peter Jennings in this) are now trying to ascribe to Charles far more stuffiness than he ever had? Every clip I've seen of him with the boys - with or without Diana - shows a man who clearly enjoys his children's company. And they are clearly happy to be around him.
