The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67120   Message #1211786
Posted By: Bill D
21-Jun-04 - 09:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
" What amazes me is that people voted for him once..."

some people would vote for him if he sprouted horns & a tail, just because they have emotionally committed themselves to one of the narrow single-issue positions the Republicans have used to cloud their minds about the big picture....abortion, gays, religion, "family values", "war on terrorism", business concerns, taxes...etc...all with appropriate slogans and conservative talk shows & news hosts like Rush Limbaugh, and Joe Scarborough (the worst!) and Bill O'Reilly... to do slanted put-downs and sanctimonious distortions of any Democrat who starts making sense.

It is a just a circus...and I think Kerry is being smart by keeping a low profile right now and letting the news do his work for him....Kerry can then wait till after the convention and remind the voters..(many of whom have VERY short attention spans) what Bush & Co. did the last couple years.