The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67120   Message #1211835
Posted By: Genie
22-Jun-04 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
Lonesome EJ - Date: 21 Jun 04 - 02:30 PM:

My worst
Grant...good generals often make bad Presidents
Taylor...see above
Fillmore...slept through his term
Hoover...had George W been President at the onset of the Great Depression, results would have been similar
Buchanan...completely over his head
Harding...small town corrupt politico goes bigtime
Taft...would have done as well if he just stayed in the bathtub

Yer prolly right, LEJ.  But I'll hafta go with Dubya, 'cause I wasn't around when Millard Fillmore or Grant were Pres.

Guess ya'll hafta ask Don Firth or Jerry Rasmussen 'bout Fillmore and Grant.
