The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70562   Message #1212030
Posted By: Georgiansilver
22-Jun-04 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Legalize Pot?
Subject: RE: BS: Legalize Pot?
My personal belief is that people who "NEED" pot should receive the benefits from it and those who just "do pot" for the sake of it should come in the "illegal" band....Who really wants to smoke it and why?. Our society has become watered down as far as the law is concerned. The "blind eye" is turned to many things and laws have been abolished to supposedly make life easier for all. Our society has been de-generating for years into one where people expect to be able to do as they like. They do not think it fair that they get a speeding ticket when they have been speeding because the law is stupid..They get angry when they get a parking ticket even though they are illegally parked....There are many other laws which people get agitated with/angry with...nevertheless they are laws and have been put there for a reason. So shall we abolish all these stupid laws and just do as we please? Why not abolish all laws instead of watering them down to suit how we think our society should be.
I'm all for keeping the laws we have and maybe even adding some new ones in some sort of effort to get safety back on the streets and in our own homes. I'd like to be able to walk the kerb without being mowed down by teenagers on bikes. I'd like to be able to walk the streets without the thought that I might get mugged. I'd like to be able to go anywhere in my town without seeing syringes lying around.
Ah well, I suppose I can dream of a better society can't I...OR should I just draw on my reefer and forget all the problems in our society????? What do you think?????