The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14259   Message #121301
Posted By: Lady McMoo
06-Oct-99 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: What Was It About The Bothy Band?
Subject: RE: What Was It About The Bothy Band?
I would echo everything that Liam's Brother said. I think it was freshness of the Bothy Band's sound, their selection of material and style of playing that made them special and so much revered amongst those of us who were around at the time. They, Planxty and, I would say also, Boys of the Lough have had a tremendous influence on many of the more recent bands. That is not to take anything away from marvellous bands like Altan and Dervish who have done much to repopularise the Donegal and Sligo styles of playing respectively.
