The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70871   Message #1213366
Posted By: Mark Dowding
24-Jun-04 - 03:21 AM
Thread Name: Four Fools Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Four Fools Folk Festival
After a request from Angie last night, I've attempted to put the working programmes on the site under the Friday Saturday Sunday links on the front page but unfortunately some gremlin in the system is causing the uploaded jpg scan to corrupt somehow. The scans themsleves are fine - it's when I upload the files to the site that the problem occurs. Not sure what the problem is, file sizes are about 75k which I wouldn't call excessive. If I do them too small nobody will read them. Anybody else had this problem with uploading picture files and how do you solve it? The original was an Excel file but I only had a print out to play with.

I won't have time tonight to fix it and we'll all be at the festival anyway on Friday so I'm afraid if you want to know the schedule come along and pick one up from the desk.
