The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70562   Message #1213602
Posted By: Bobert
24-Jun-04 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Legalize Pot?
Subject: RE: BS: Legalize Pot?
I think where I draw the line is somewhere around the concept of *harmful* when it comes to disussing addictions. This includes smoking pot, writing poetry, drinking, sex, etc. etc.

If the behavior is harmful then there's a problem. Now, I don't mean splitting hairs harmful, like the guy who takes a couple tokes of weed 2 or 3 times a week, or has a couple glasses of wine a day. Sure, some would argue those behaviors are harmful. And, I would guess under the wrong circumstances they would be. Example: person takes two tokes of pot and then gets in his car to pick up his daughter at school. That could be very well mean harmful becuase it is also irresponsible.

Now alcohol is a better example of the harmful argument. One guy drinks 2 glasses of wine every night with dinner. That makes approximately 700 glasses of wine a year. Another guy only drinks 5 glasses of wine a year but does it all in one sitting without the benefit of food. Then this guy gets in his car to pick up his daughter from school. Hmmmmm? See what I mean? It the irresponsible and potentially harmful consequences that come into play here.

Now some one is gonna say, "But, Bobert, inhaling smoke ain't good for you so why is that not harmful?" and I don't have a great answer for that but I have one none the less. Compared to smoking a pack a day of cigarettes, 6 inhalations a week of pot smoke cannot reasonably be considered to be in the same category. We all make choices. Red meat is also considered by some to be harmful but I don't eat red meat. Pork is considered hatmful and I don't eat pork. Heck, farm grown salmon is considered hatmful if eaten more than twice a month so I limit my intake of farm grown salmon. Tobacco products are considered hatmful so I don't use them. Driving fast is considered harmful so I don't do that. See where I'm going with this?

Like I said, people make lots of choices in life where there is some level of risk of harm. But I think responsible people have no problems figuring out the choices where imminent and probable harm will follow...

Now, that said, I think I'll have me a little toke..

Aww, jus' funnin'. Got to get back to work and pot and work don't mix too well. (Oh, how friggin' responsible, Bobert...)

Stoner (kinda?...) Bobert