The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14259   Message #121403
Posted By: Liam's Brother
06-Oct-99 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: What Was It About The Bothy Band?
Subject: RE: What Was It About The Bothy Band?
Hi Martin!

As we know, there are good and bad aspects to many things. The Bothy Band played very fast but, clearly, they were virtuosic to the point that there was never a question of their losing control. We've all suffered through less adept players who play fast and poorly. I would not say that that was The Bothy Band's fault. I think that the Bothies' heavily rhythmic acoustic sound probably saved us from electro-Celtoid rock with full drum sets and bass guitars. The Bothies combined great speed, fluidity and weight; they were a hard act to follow even for rockers.

I lead a session with Brian Conway 2 or 3 times a month. Brian is not a fast player but I do notice that he picks up his tempo quite easily when musicians of his caliber who play faster drop by our session.

All the best,
Dan Milner