The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14160   Message #121442
Posted By: katlaughing
06-Oct-99 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
Okay, MM, didn't realise. I think the smoke from the fire got me confused. *g*

Ah! MAG, I love that one! I thought we'd just combine the fire outback & still have the Tavern for when folks don't want to see the light o'day or when it gets a bit frosty outside. 'Tis time for some more of the Samhain stuff, though, and I thank ye for reminding us (how could I forget? Halloween is Roger's b-day!)Here's one of my favs,copyrighted by Bonnie Lockhart. My daughters learned it in grade school in Massachusetts, only we always sang it in present tense:


Who were the witches? Where did they come from?
May be your great, great, great grandmother was one
Witches were wise, wise women they say
And there's a little witch in ev'ry women today.

Witches knew all about flowers and weeds
How to use all their roots & their leaves & their seeds
When people grew weary from hardworkin' days
They made them feel better in so many ways

When women had babies the witches were there
To hold them & help them & give them sweet care
Witches knew stories of how life began
Son't you wish you could be on? Well maybe you can

Some people thought that the witches were bad
Some people were scared of the power they had
But power to help & to heal & to care
Isn't something to fear, it's a pleasure to share.

Ghost story! Ghost story! C'mon, who's got a ghost story??