The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14186   Message #121445
Posted By: GutBucketeer
06-Oct-99 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: Rick's Radio show Kaput (for now)
Subject: RE: Rick's Radio show Kaput (for now)
Great that you are back on Rick. I always listen the next day through the Mudcat and really enjoy it.

It's interesting to read all of the messages and bulletins on the alternative CIUT site. The similarities between what is happening there and what happened to Pacifica in California are striking. However, I wonder if the organizers of the protests are doing themselves more harm than good. It seems that their bulletins are filled with vitrolic statements and rhetoric much more than is useful. In fact, it is difficult for a dispationate observer from afar (me) to figure out who is actually in the wrong or right here based upon their statements.

Anyway, we all look forward to hearing your new programs.