The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #70445   Message #1214863
Posted By: Bobert
26-Jun-04 - 11:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: OK, Maybe 9/11 Could Have Been Prevented
Subject: RE: BS: OK, Maybe 9/11 Could Have Been Prevented
Well, with all them fancy italics, 2-B's, it's hard to figure out what is you and what is other folks... but it don't matter.

Ahhhhh, don't you think if the Bush folks could pin Sarin on Saddam, they would? They are desperate for anything. The empty cannisters no more conotes proof of Sarin than a hole in the head conotes intellegence.... You can take it to the bank, given the lies that Bush has told, that they would certainly promote the Sarin findings if these findings had a shread of credibilty.

As for Joe Lieberman, my friend, this guy never met a virtually unarmed and oppressed people not worth killing... Yeah, big and tough guy.....

.....not. A pipsqueek of a bully, as far as I can see.

As for your (I'm guessing because of the italics...) opinion of Kerry and Bush. Yeah, I agree...
