The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71129   Message #1215005
Posted By: Peter T.
27-Jun-04 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Underrated, Underused Movie Stars
Subject: B.S. Underrated, Underused Movie Stars
Another summer mudcat movie thread!

I was watching "The Master of Ballantre" last night starring Errol Flynn (dreadful film, made even more dreadful by the uncanny sight of the heroine, whose name I forget, looking startlingly like a young Margaret Thatcher, and with the same charm!). Anyway, Errol Flynn is too old in the film, and the drink has worn him down -- but as I was watching it occurred to me that a film that made the most of his age and charm could have shown what a fine actor he was, but no one had enough sense to make one. He had great intelligence, and had a kind of presence that would have augured well for a much better end to his career. Got me thinking about other actors/actresses (lots more actresses of course, who got thrown on the junk heap as they got older) who, if they had had a chance, could have thrived. For example:

Peter Lorre. Came to Hollywood, and no one there knew what to do with him. God knows what he might have done if there had been someone intelligent around.

Rita Hayworth. Famous, totally wasted in film after film.

Richard Boone (Paladin). Someone should have given him a serious movie part as a good guy. He always played bad guys, but he could have been Clint Eastwood.

Karen Allen. She was absolutely perfect in the first Indiana Jones film, and I think she made Starman, and that was about it. She could have had her own female Indiana Jones series, if anyone had taken her seriously.


Peter T.