The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68767   Message #1215168
Posted By: Jim Dixon
27-Jun-04 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Irish songs about balls, wakes, soirees
The Library of Congress American Memory Collection, from an undated, unattributed song sheet:


In the town of Mayo Jack Lannigan liv'd,
Till grim death, one fine morning, his spirit did take;
When the brothy boys round, just to show their respect for him,
Swore they would give him a slathering wake.
There was Brian O'Lynn, and Terence O'Toole,
The Widow Machree, and squint-eyed Tim Brannagan--
There was whiskey galore--the devil to pay,
And the piper besides, at the wake of Jack Lannigan.

The Misses O'Neil were decked out in their best;
There was red-headed Bob, and blind Pat with the pipes;
And had you been there, 'twould have done your eyes good
To see Paddy Miles get away with the SWIPES.
Says Tim to the widdy: Will you try a pertaty?
Arrah, darlint, says she, an' it's whiskey I'll take.
And I swear by the piper that play'd before Moses,
They had a fine shindy, at Lannigan's wake.

When the piper struck up, faith, it drove them all crazy:
Some jump'd, some hooroo'd, and some danc'd a jig;
Teddy, the tiler, 'most busted his biler,
And the widow Machree danc'd a reel with the pig!
All at once, about twenty then grabb'd their shillalahs,
And at it they went, 'till the shanty did shake!
Of all the wild pranks ever play'd in Ould Ireland,
Nothing ever equall'd Jack Lannigan's wake.

But all things must end: the whiskey gave out,
The piper fell over.. the pipes squeal'd no more..
The dancers and fighters ceas'd jumping and thumping,
And, all in a heap, fell DEAD DRUNK on the floor.
When the neighbors came in for the corpse in the morning,
The divil a bit if they knew which to take!
So, they just put the lot in nice illigant coffins,
And buried them all, after Lannigan's wake.