The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71129   Message #1215202
Posted By: Sam L
27-Jun-04 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Underrated, Underused Movie Stars
Subject: RE: B.S. Underrated, Underused Movie Stars
Michelle Pfieffer. She should do cartoony bigger than life parts, not naturalistic roles. The only part she ever really came into her own with was Catwoman. Scarface was a cartoon, but not the right kind. Like Tim Curry, she was meant to do boldly stylized things.

Ice Cube can really act, and should do classier movies.

That one guy in that one movie was really good, why isn't he in more stuff?

I'm not sure if we've seen every square inch of Julianne Moore yet, so she's a little underused.

Underused character--Jesus in big Lebowski; the movie wasn't ready to end yet, set up too much expectation.

There are underrated and underused stars, and on the other hand there's Nicole Kidman, who seems to have a deal with satan to mesmerize everyone for no apparent reason. She was good in Flirting, and then, what.