The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71166   Message #1215940
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
28-Jun-04 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
Subject: RE: Tech: Putting music clips on website?
AVOID geocities!!!!

You will get all of the kitty-klap-trap which gives most MC folk a LAUGH and a quick ctrl/alt/deleat.

Look at this have invested 300 plus hours into your "original" recordings.....

At one dollar a month - spread over 8 years (8X12=96) isn't your "one of a kind" "never recorded before" "my interpretation" worth 30cents? (Hell, a three minute can of soda isn't worth that...on its way to recycling urinal)

Get your priorities straight!
