The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71163   Message #1216850
Posted By: Teribus
30-Jun-04 - 05:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Blair on channel four
Subject: RE: BS: Blair on channel four
So, akenaton, with regard to your post of 28 Jun 04 - 05:39 PM, there being no Bush, or Blair, agenda of "westernisation", that being a figment of your imagination, there will be lots of "moderate moslems" to be found, and subsequently the Jihad you appear to be looking forward to will be limited to the same small minority as has supported it for years. As the undoubted rewards and benefits of democracy bear fruit, within those countries, those extremists will find themselves marginalised more and more, until such time as they disappear altogether.

That "democracy" is, "The same tool that has kept we poor slaves in the West in our place." - seems to run counter to every socio-economic yardstick in existence - you wish to contest that?

Let's see how we poor slaves in the West have progressed since the last great experiment to liberate us, i.e. Communism, was tried:

- Do we live longer: Definite yes to that one.
- Do we work longer, or shorter hours: Definitely shorter hours
- Do we have such things as paid holidays: Definite yes again
- Health Systems: Yes
- Welfare Systems: Yes
- Better pay and working conditions: Yes
- etc, etc, etc.

In exactly what "place" are you being kept in - ma wee Scots Slave pal?