The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71163   Message #1217058
Posted By: Teribus
30-Jun-04 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Blair on channel four
Subject: RE: BS: Blair on channel four
Och well Akenaton, better a pedant than a hypocrit like your "Free man" Fionn.

Bush and Blair he roundly comdemns for lying to the public using distorted facts to justify a course of action - Yet he is not above doing exactly the same himself.

His stated fact, now what was it again, oh yes, "..we live longer, for which there are various reasons, LIKE THE FACT THAT we take grain from destitute countries and feed it to our cattle."

According to the data provided on UK Grain Imports, Fionn's statement is - At best a gross distortion, at worst a downright lie. Unless, of course, Fionn wants us to believe that the destitute countries, from whom we get our grain, count in their number the United States of America and Canada - if they're destitute then there has obviously been one hell of a shift in the definition of the word destitiute.

But, no matter of any consequence, both yourself, and your "free man", have demonstrated that in the formulation of your ideas and in the framing of points you wish to make, truth and accuracy, play no part. I shall bear that in mind when reading anything you, or your "free man" posts in the future.