The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71163 Message #1217364
Posted By: Gareth
30-Jun-04 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blair on channel four
Subject: RE: BS: Blair on channel four
Nice to see others noting the standards of fact used by that self serving moron Fionn.
No doubt there will be another round of insults from that "Wanabee" journalist, when he crawls out of the hole he is hiding in.
BTW - he will insist on PM me with "private threats and insults".
I have warned him that I do not, in his case, feel bound to keep them confidentil. He insists I should - What a W****r !! - so here is a taste of his "arguments"
As I said in the Transatlantic thread, I've got a receipt for the packet I sent, so let me know if it doesn't turn up. For the next few days I'll be moving around a bit, so email might be a better way to get me than PM, but I'll try to watch out for both.
I'm going to pursue the PPC thing with people in the Labour Party - people you've listed as friends - councillors etc - and one or two others. I assume you've got no objection to my copying the Transatlantic thread for this purpose? (I quite liked Ebbie's comment, for instance.) I'm also going to assemble comments from PMs I've received about your behaviour, including from Mudcat HQ, where "stalking" is frowned on, even from Mudcat fundraisers.
Whenever I refer to you in future, I think it would be helpful to point out that you are Caerphilly CLP's computer officer as well as a constitutional liar. In defence of your CLP, I can make the point that this is a very minor, non-executive office. And I can point out that they will be desperately short of competent people, like the rest of the Labour Party. (I am assuming you were returned unopposed, rather than elected??!!)