The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #400   Message #12175
Posted By: RS
12-Sep-97 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: Req/ADD: French folk songs
Subject: RE: lyrics request for french folk songs
On 16 July 1997 I posted a request for the lyrics for "Mama Les P'tits Bateaux" - to which Wolfgang promptly responded with the web address of: - COMPTINES,CHANSONS ET POESIES - which includes lots of lyrics plus music, as well as links to many other French sites. (He said he found it through a "Dogpile" Search for "les petits bateaux").

May I also draw your attention to the "Au Claire De La Lune - Lyr Addn (new version)" thread which I posted on 02 Sept 1997 and subsequently.