The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14289   Message #121793
Posted By: Margo
07-Oct-99 - 03:50 PM
Thread Name: Flying Cloud: History
Subject: Flying Cloud: History
What is the real story? There is a shantey whose tale is a tale of woe told by a young man who joined the crew of the Flying Cloud out of Baltimore under the command of Captain Moore. After a slaving voyage, they turned to piracy, and finally being caught and condemned to die, the young man gives his warning to all others to shun all piracy.

HOWEVER, every reference to the actual ship named the Flying Cloud in a historic account talks about a ship built in Boston that holds the speed record for a clipper. (I can't remember the years exactly, that was never my strong suit. Maybe 1840's?) It was a merchant ship, and there is never any reference to scullduggery......What say ye, oh great knowers of things? Am I right to presume the tale of woe is just that, a tale with no historic truth as far as the Flying Cloud is concerned? Can't wait to hear from you.......
