The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71255   Message #1217969
Posted By: GUEST
01-Jul-04 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: CRB Checks?
Subject: BS: CRB Checks?
I am a member, but ive logged out for this one.

I recently applied for a job, which involves a full enhanced CRB [criminal records bureau] check,

waht exacly do they check?

I have unpaid poll tacks, does this count?
will this stop me gettoing the job?

is poll tacx , [and council tax] a civil matter, or does it affect your job cjhances?

apart from tax stuff, i have nothingf to worry aboyt re the crb check, [i never been charged with nothing serious apart from drink driving , but that was a long time ago]

do they count stuff you was arrested for, but not charged with? ie if you got arrested for murder, but charges dropped, waht happens abbout that then?

ie, is that on your record or not?