The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14160   Message #121828
Posted By: katlaughing
07-Oct-99 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
MMario, shouldn't that be, "When women were bold and knights weren't particular?*G* Have a good time and thanks for letting us know. I really enjoyed your song last night on MCat radio!

I hereby rename this thread "Mudcat Tavern#14a-Second Wind"

C'mon Catters, rousing takes us all! Another amaretto and I'll be singing to m'self! Gawd, where's Koko when ya ened her. She'd get things going, even if Big Mick is gonna be gone for a few days. Let's get the hot tub going with, lets, see hot chocolate, nah, mmmmm, how about mint tea, give you skina tingle and healthy shine; smells good, we can pick our own wild mint out back in the woods, well...anybody have a different idea?? No! No possum droppings in the hot tub, we don't want to fertilise any of the moss that show up in there, take it out back 'Spaw, puhlleeeessse?

Just put new varnish on the tables, fixed some of the nicks. There's hooks from the rafters now if ya want to hang your instrument for a quick game of darts or pool.

If nobody wants to serve, well we'll have open bar, again and I use to tend bar, so I might be able to swizzle something up, as long as nobody asks for a Freddy Fuddpucker.....I can't remember what goes in one of them! sure looks spruced up! Ready for a Second Wind!