The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14160   Message #121834
Posted By: MMario
07-Oct-99 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath

oh! Hi, Kat? Have you seen a backp....That's it, the one with "I was a teenage MudCat" logo on it. Thanks. Forgot the blasted thing when I went through "the door".

*blush* glad you enjoyed it. It would have been better if I hadn't tried to record it at the end of a 14 hour work day...or had someone to run the tape deck (which was in a different room) while I just sang. or....(just fishing for compliments--jump in any time)

and at faire we usually say "when Scots wore skirts and sheep were nervous" *eg* [NOI!]

I expect the place will have moved when I get back. Somebody leave a trail of bread crumbs, or 'possum droppings or somethin' okay?