The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14160   Message #121848
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
07-Oct-99 - 06:37 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
C'mon Katlaf, grab a stepladder and tape the other end of this orange crepe paper to the wall, while I tape this end to Banjer's banjer. Gotta get all these Halloween decorations up, because we are celebrating all month. Special drink of the month- the Caramel Apple... whiskey, apple cider, touch of caramel syrup. Costume Party the night of the 31st, and I hear Wyo's gonna be naked under the bubble wrap this year, so bring your safety pins!

Kerouac and Cassady are back, and I don't know what happened on the road, but they have been extremely quiet except to say they returned the possum to Spaw after dropping the detective guy at a crossroads down below the border line. Now, Cassady just stares off into space while Kerouac has his nose buried in Angela's Ashes. Kesey said they were upset because somebody said they were obsessed with navel lint. Burroughs says it's no easy transition from iconoclast to icon. I just keep taking them more beer and onion rings. C'est la Vie

Little ditty appropriate to hanging the Halloween decorations. AHEM....

I forbid you maidens all
Who wear gold in your hair
to go by Carter Hall
for young Tam Lin is there..