The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71110   Message #1218858
Posted By: matai
03-Jul-04 - 07:55 AM
Thread Name: The Care And Feeding Of Muses
Subject: RE: The Care And Feeding Of Muses
I am amused and musing upon your musings about the muse but sigh sadly because after twenty years of a constant stream of writing in response to my muse she seems to have taken a trip overseas. Do I go in search of her or wait for her to come back?
In recent times my mother who has declined into a delusional state has replaced former muses and dominated my thoughts and the writing that has come out of it. Now she has been incarcerated in a rest-home by the Mental Health authorities for her own safety her muse status in my creativity has also disappeared. So I am museless. Sadly nothing new is being written. All my gigs are based on past stuff. For the first time in my life my creativity is totally stuck. The only positive thing I can see in this is that I can only spend the time recording/publishing all that I have gathered together. But I do so miss having a muse. I feel quite bereft.