The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14160   Message #121899
Posted By: katlaughing
07-Oct-99 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #14 - Aftermath
Oh, LeeJ, poor Angela! Hey, seances I can do, course it always helps to have a circle of people who can join hands around a table which is light enough to tap out messages. Did that one time for real. It was pretty eerie; the little table with all of our fingertips resting on, actually danced in the strings attached! I was impressed!

Anybody wanna hear the beginning of one of my spookier stories? This is the original version; it's actually been edited and revised, but oh 'tis:

As she entered the room, a cold crept through her bones, deep into her muscles, tensing them and making her teeth chatter. The walls glistened with slow-dripping moisture, falling onto sideboards, books, and tables scattered around the room. She felt, rather than heard, a faint anguished scream in her mind. Clenching her jaw, with her arms wrapped around her, step by step she returned to the door. Not wanting to turn her back to the room, she watched for a presence of any kind which might be waiting for her to turn and flee. Finally, pulling the door with her, she backed out of the room, praying silently that whatever was in there would not pull the door from her hand, coming after her.
Just as she stepped over the threshold, in a sudden rush of air, the door was slammed shut from her grasp. She felt a flood of relief wash over her to be followed by a bone-chilling cold and uncontrollable shaking, yet, she was dripping with sweat. She was alone. No one to talk to, to confirm her sanity or lack of. Something kept her from closing up the room forever; something kept nagging at her to get to the mystery of the room. With high ceilings, luxurious drapes, and beautiful antiques; mullioned windows and deep windowseats, it really could have been her favorite.

Ah, well, an early effort, but friends have said it spooked them. Anybody know any good ghost stories?