The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71110   Message #1219364
Posted By: beardedbruce
04-Jul-04 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: The Care And Feeding Of Muses
Subject: RE: The Care And Feeding Of Muses

OK, now can you tell us how you go about "Hooking up with enough of your lost, scattered, disconnected, discombobulated, or denied bits of awareness to bring some back together again with a rush of accompanying energy, a proper Shazaam of the soul. " ?

This is a serious question- this thread is looking for ways to access one's inspiration, regardless of the terminology one chooses to use to describ it.

" inspiration is what you allow yourself to reconnect with when it is "safe". Some people are better at getting back into that mind set than others, but it has to do with how much one owns or rejects the ownership of his own nature and his own mind. "

Any suggestions as to how to get into that mindset? A number of people here and on the "How do you write your songs" thread ( myself included) have mentioned that it seems easier when one is half-asleep ( waking or going to sleep). Should we be talking about cross-connecting with the subconcious? Or unconcious?